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Image colorization

Image colorization

One of the most special parts of researching your ancestors is collecting family photos of them. It is important to preserve old photos in good quality, because over the years, even the most carefully kept pictures can fade away, tear, or become damaged. After digitizing the photos, you can easily share them with family members, duplicate the photos and create special family albums of fond memories.

Image colorization

You found many black-and-white pictures and you are wondering what the original colorized version could have looked like? Are you interested in the eye and hair color of your ancestors and would love to make these special photos of your ancestors more vivid? Send the black and white digitalized photos and you will soon have the colorized version as well!

Available packages:

  • Price per piece $10
  • 20 picture package - $190
  • 50 picture package - $470
  • 100 picture package - $900
  • 150 picture package - $1350
  • 200 picture package - $1600

If none of the available packages suits your needs, get in touch and let's talk about your preferences!

Image colorization

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