Researching ancestors
There are many family history packages available based on the type of research you are interested in and how much information you want to learn about your ancestors. The research - regardless of the chosen package - always includes the following steps:
1 Data collection
You gather all the information you can find in the family by asking living relatives. The more data you can collect, the faster and cost-efficient your research will be.
Useful information:
- Exact names
- Birth, marriage, death dates and places
- Religious affiliation
2 Research
The data you collected is shared with me, and the searching starts for additional ancestors based on the selected package. The packages differ in how many generations and lineages of information they include and what data is searched.
An important part of this phase is the periodic consultation with you about the progress of the work!
3 Work is done
When the research is completed, there is one final step left, and that is to share the research results with you! During this time you have the opportunity to reflect on the received information and ask questions about the results of the research.
Available packages
The prices indicated for the packages show the maximum price. The price is reduced based on the amount of information received in the beginning of the work. Final price is discussed when the information is handed over!
If none of the following packages suits your needs, get in touch and let's talk about it!